Google is the most famous of all the major search engines and has several advanced search commands that are useful tools for the search engine optimization (SEO) specialist. Google has been in the search engine business for a number of years so it is no surprise that it also has a robust set of these […]
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China’s major player in the search engine market is known as Baidu. Of course most of the instructions are written in Chinese so it is not easy for a western visitor to use advanced search commands without the help of a quick reference cheat sheet. For starters, Baidu has a web page off of its […]
As promised, here is the video tutorial of SEO Warrior Keyword Dashboard tool. SEO Warrior Keyword Dashboard can help you in several ways. You can compare search results in the big three search engines (Google, Bing & Yahoo!). While comparing search results side-by-side you can also click on each result to obtain further keyword analysis […]
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Some of your have asked me to create a tutorial for Mac for running script. This post is the answer to your queries. Without further ado here are the steps: PART 1 – Installing XAMPP & Copying Files 1> Download XAMPP for Mac at this link 2> Install XAMPP using instructions at: this link […]
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The purpose of the Perl script is to dimistify what it is that makes search engines tick. More importantly it helps you learn about your competitors for your specific (targeted) keywords. It takes the top ten (or one hundred) results from Google (and Bing) and performs an in-depth analysis. You get to see how keywords […]
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Some of you have had some issues in setting up your environments to run either Perl or PHP scripts. This tutorial will show you how you can do that easily by utilizing XAMPP. In just a few minutes you should be able to run everything by following the steps shown in this tutorial. To start, […]
Search engines including Google can and will retain information about your web searches. It is possible that this information could land itself to authorities in the US (or elsewhere) thanks to the Patriot Act. Here is a video of Eric Schmidt, Google CEO, basically affirming that your search privacy could be compromised. There are many […]